This right here is one I'm overjoyed to finally be sharing, because it's been nigh-impossible to do so for years.
You may be looking at this and thinking, "this isn't rare; it's right on MouseVinyl and on YouTube!" Well... it is, and yet it isn't.
What you see online in regards to the 1967 "Little Long-Playing Record" "Hansel and Gretel" is the version narrated by Lois Lane. The version being shared here today is narrated by the legendary Robie Lester.
This was the copy I grew up with, so as I entered the Digital Age, I spotted others' MP3 rips and thought "huh... this isn't mine." Over the years I've searched high and low for someone to have this version of the record, but to no avail. I attempted to rip it a few times myself, but it was so heavily played, it skipped madly all over the place. I thought I couldn't salvage it.
I then took it upon myself to buy other copies of the record, hoping to find one in better quality. But after purchasing at least FIVE copies (including ones that were factory-sealed), ALL of them ended up containing the Lois Lane narration.
Finally, earlier this year I sent this rarity to Under Design and crossed my fingers. My prayers worked, as they were able to save this story and finally present me with a listenable digitization. There are still plenty of pops and crackles, but unless somebody else happens to have a minty copy of this exact record to upload, this is the only way anyone will be able to hear Mrs. Lester's take on the classic tale.
This is only Side A, which contains the narrated story. Side B on my copy was still absolutely wrecked, and not even UD's magic could stop it from skipping and scratching. If you'd like to hear Side B, it's exactly the same as what was on the Lois Lane version of the record.
As I said earlier, I'm thrilled to be able to finally share this with the world. I really hope you enjoy it!
192kbps CBR