Saturday, September 19, 2020

"MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE" - 1983 Kid Stuff Records LP Record


I've been waiting a long time to share this one!

Many, many years ago, there was an awesome website called "The Secret Cavern of Read-Along Treasures". There is where I discovered the cleanest, best-sounding rip of one of my absolute favorite childhood albums, Kid Stuff's 1983 LP simply titled "MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE". I downloaded the rip and immediately made sure to archive it.

Soon after, the Cavern closed its doors. And to this day, that particular rip disappeared from the internet. The ones all over YouTube still have the hisses and pops from a traditional amateur LP rip.

But now... that rip is BACK. And it's RIGHT HERE.

This album, guys... it's a gem. From the corny 5-minute power-pop intro, to Peter Fernandez's mesmerizing opening monologue (seriously, it's some fantastic writing), to Skeletor's scary-as-Hell voice, to the haunting ghostly voices of The Council of Elders... this single album holds more memories for me than the entire MotU TV show. I make this claim with zero exaggeration.

I took the liberty of cleaning up the album even further, added extra metadata and tags, and used the best picture of the LP I could find for the artwork. I want to make sure this crisp, clean recording never disappears again.

And so, it is my great honor to re-unveil to the world... MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE! Enjoy!

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