Friday, December 18, 2020

"RAGGEDY ANN & ANDY CHRISTMAS FUN BOOK" 1981 Kid Stuff Read-Along Record

Depending on how you feel about Raggedy Ann & Andy, you could either find this record endearing or annoying.

The 1981 Read-Along set has a wonderful premise: Ann & Andy give the listener ideas for Christmas gifts that don't cost much (or any) money to show your loved ones that you care about them; things such as offering to do someone's chores for a week, or instructions on making homemade trinkets using items already around your house.

The execution, however, has a lot to be desired. The production on this record was so poor. Clipping can't be avoided, and the choices for Ann & Andy's voice-over artists are abysmal. The music is just a handful of notes pounded out on a piano for the duration of the record. The entire album feels like it was recorded in a single take (which, who knows, could be the truth).

If you or your little ones can power though these 7 minutes and get some cute Holiday gift ideas out of them, my hat is off to you!


Internet Archive



192kbps CBR

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