Thursday, December 3, 2020

Donations from a Sanctum Dweller!

Well THIS was a surprise! A very generous follower named Andrew Wilmot sent me a decent-sized stack of games!

Prior to starting this blog, I ran a YouTube channel where, throughout the year, I would stock up on games for the AbleGamers charity. AbleGamers is a nonprofit public charity that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games.

Several of the titles Andrew sent me will be put in next year's donation box, and a few others are replacements for games I currently own (you should see how wrecked my old copy of RE4 is!).

To thank Andrew for their generosity, I'd like to direct other Dwellers to their book "The Death Scene Artist", which can be purchased HERE. It's a pretty awesome premise: the recounting of a love affair with someone who has figuratively lived hundreds of lives. Check it out... and Thank You again, Andrew!

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