Monday, October 24, 2022

NOCTURNAL - 1999 Self-Titled Cassette - Kaos Music

I'm just gonna come right out and ask... if anyone, anywhere, has a shred of info about this band or this album, could you please contact me?

This is "Into The Darkness", by the band Nocturnal. Good luck finding any info on this band, or this release, aside from what's printed on the inner fold of the cassette sleeve.

I vaguely remember getting this album in 1999 via a mail-away offer. There was an ad in some sort of guitar or Rock magazine for a free cassette, so I figured "what the Hell" and asked for one. That's it. That's all I remember.

The cover art, album title, and even the band name do NOT fit the music that lies within. The songs (of which there are no titles printed anywhere, so I just call them "Tracks 1 through 4") are a hodgepodge of Classic Rock influences.

"Into The Darkness" is an unpolished, unfocused oddity... and that's basically the reason I'm sharing it here. That, and the hopes that someone out in the ether of the Web can divulge any further information about this outfit or its works.



Internet Archive


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