Monday, January 3, 2022

"GARFIELD: THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR" - 1984 Kid Stuff Read-Along Record

Happy New Year, Sanctum Dwellers! Hopefully you're ready to tackle 2022 as confidently as Garfield tackles a dragon in his 1984 Read-Along "Garfield: The Knight In Shining Armor"!

This cute little 7-minute tale is intended for very young audiences, and teaches the lesson that appearances are deceiving!

As a little kid, I wore the Hell out of this record. I've always had a soft spot for the jaunty little opening and closing theme. Both sides of the record contained the same story, so I'd just flip it over and over.

However because of this, this is one of my most worn-out records. Under Design digitized both sides as best they could, and then I painstakingly cobbled together a Frankenstein'd version using the cleanest bits from each side, removing the heavy skips (of which there were at least a half-dozen), and taking out as much static as I could. You won't find a better copy of this tale anywhere, probably ever, unless I can find a sealed copy in the future.

** UPDATE: Jon from GenXGrownUp informed me that he also had a copy of this story, and supplied me with a digitization! I've included it in the downloads below. Thanks, Jon! **

If you're a lifelong "Garfield" fan and want to hear Lorenzo Music's take on the tubby tabby, in perhaps a story you've never heard before, then this one's for you. Enjoy!



Internet Archive


DOWNLOAD 3 (GenXGrownUp rip)

192kbps CBR

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