Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"BUGS BUNNY'S SPACE CARROT" - 1977, 1984 Kid Stuff Records Read-Along

Today's post is proof positive that amidst all the drama and issues within the "geek" community, the YouTube community, etc... connections and friendships can still be made.

In my most recent submission to Under Design, I sent in my childhood copy of the Kid Stuff Read-Along record "Bugs Bunny's Space Carrot". My copy was in absolutely terrible shape, and for years I'd been hunting a brand-new copy to buy and digitize, but to no avail. So I decided to throw caution to the wind, and digitize my copy.

Welp... it was awful. Under Design did everything they could, and it still came out horribly. There was no way I could share it here.

So I started searching to see if anyone else happened to have a copy of this story... and lo and behold, I stumbled across Jon at GenXGrownUp.

A few years ago, he digitized his own copy and shared it via GXGU's YouTube channel. The clarity was fantastic, and so I immediately reached out to him asking if he still had the raw audio (as his video outro obscured the tail-end of the story in the video). He messaged me back within minutes, and for the next half-hour or so we chatted about our shared love of old Read-Alongs and other vinyl oddities.

I took the raw audio, cleaned it up a tiny bit more, added the necessary metadata, and now "Bugs Bunny's Space Carrot" is available for all Sanctum Dwellers to download and enjoy!

I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to Jon for initially sharing this; and I'm overjoyed to know there are others out there like me who appreciate these stories. Please check out GenXGrownUp and give them your support... oh, and enjoy the Read-Along as well!

Internet Archive



192kbps CBR

1 comment:

  1. The GXG guys are great - ABSOLUTELY worth checking out.
