Thursday, August 19, 2021

TRS on Instagram!

Hey everybody!

I know it's been pretty quiet here lately. A lot of stuff is going on behind the scenes.

Looking at the metrics for the blog, I see that the posts about flea market visits, slabbed comics, and anything that doesn't actually contain links to OOP Media seem to get very little views.

So I started sharing those things on Instagram, and they seem to get a lot more attention. In fact, sales on the Sanctum's eBay store have grown since I started sharing there! It's a lot easier than fiddling with Blogspot.

I won't be abandoning this blog, however! I currently have a large number of items being digitized to share here, and since I want these pieces of media archived for as long as possible, I'll be sharing them here first - always - as well as archiving them wherever else I can, be it Soundcloud, YouTube, or Internet Archive.

So if you just want to see cool random stuff like slabbed comics and cards, thrifting pickups, vintage and stylish shirts, and other things, please consider following me on Instagram:

And please continue to come back here to check for digitized copies of OOP vinyl, CDs, cassettes and software! I'm not through yet!