Getting some sweet items from one location is awesome enough; getting them for free is even better!
After a month away from 2nd and Charles, I had built up quite a bit of credit, so I decided to put it to use. I didn't have the Limited Edition of "Prince of Persia" with the bonus disc, so I figured I'd upgrade. Any of the "Harry Potter" games of the Xbox 360 / PS3 era under $10 is always worth grabbing. "Bayonetta 2" is the First Print edition which comes with the original "Bayonetta" on a bonus disc (and I really don't want to open my sealed copy).
As for comics, I'll always pick up any interesting-looking debut issues of indie titles... and the "death" of Jane Foster is a great find as well. Using my credit, I spent a whopping ZERO dollars!
And on the way out, I stopped at the "Free Bin" and discovered a couple of nice Asian music albums! I don't have a lot of knowledge of the worlds of K-Pop, J-Pop, or Vocaloid, but I know who both Rain and Hatsune Miku are, so I figured I'd take a chance.
Finally, I stopped at Barnes & Noble to look for some books for my wife and LPs for my son, and came across a Limited Edition of "I'm Breathless" by Madonna. "Dick Tracy" is one of my all-time favorite films, and in my eyes the only good thing Madonna ever did (sorry, not much of a fan, lol). To pick up a sealed vinyl copy of this album for $22 is an absolute steal.
And that's it for this week; a nice hodgepodge of items that will make great additions to my collections! If you want to find cool stuff of your own, KEEP THRIFTING! Hit up your own local thrift shops, pawn shops, flea markets, and the like; I guarantee that if you're persistent, you will find some awesome stuff!